Reminders for Packing Books

We really appreciate all the work you all have been doing to slowly but surely get all of these books packed, but here are a few reminders and guidelines to make this process work more smoothly:
v Pack boxes COMPLETELY FULL!  We ask this for two important reasons:
Ø Boxes that still have empty room at the top will be crushed in shipping, this can do damage to the books and decrease the likelihood they will be accepted.
Ø Better World gives us these boxes for free, we do not need to waste them.
§  If you are packing large books and feel that the box is getting too heavy, use smaller paperbacks to fill the box the rest of the way, but regardless the box MUST BE FULL!
§  If the books shift a lot when you move the box, it is not packed correctly.
v Please stack boxes that ready to be shipped in front of the chalkboard
Ø Please do not leave them on the table so that we can leave that space free for packing.
v Put boxes and crates that you have emptied under the table, or if there is no room on top of the table to the left hand side.  Every now and then we will have to go through and recycle them.
ØDO NOT leave them outside the door; it is not the janitor’s job to clean up after our project.
v Only build boxes that you plan to stay and fill.  Flat boxes take up a lot less room then built boxes do and we all know space is limited in the packing room.
v Please return all the tape and tape dispensers to the box on the table when you are finished packing.  This will help us to keep track of exactly how much we have left in case we need to order more.
v Lastly, please leave our packing room as neat as you found it.
Ø Please throw away any empty tape rolls or wrappers
Ø Please do not lock the door so that others can come pack after you

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